
A New Website

So if you visit this site and are reading this post you are most likely, at least a little, a fan of photography. You are like me. It is for that reason I spend time each and every day ready about it, watching videos about is and talking with others about it. I thought if there was one place where I could find news without doing a lot of searching. Then I remember a website called the Drudge Report. If there was just a website like that for photography/photographers. I did a little searching and found a way to make it happen. It is call Shutter Report.

Every morning, except maybe Saturdays, I get online and start my searching and reading news about cameras, photographers, photo contests and more. Not everything gets listed as news, as everything else, even photography can get political. That stuff is not getting posted on Shutter Report. Not every photo competition get posted, there are way too many when you actually do a search for them.

What does get posted is new camera news, photographer milestones or accomplishments. If there is new technology announced, that gets a spot and sadly if a famous photographer passes away, I try to get that posted.

What will be accomplished by this? I am really not sure if anything will. I just like sharing photography news and so on. Yes I will admit it would be nice to get enough traffic to get discounts on camera gear, so here’s to hoping and thanks for checking out my site and hope you will try the Shutter Report and visit it often, as it changes everyday.